Rejuvenation Room - Massage - Facials - Waxing & Tinting - Keratin Lash Infusion - Acupuncture - Chiropractic - Lifestyle&Health -
Best Ways To Contact Our Professionals
Chiropractic and Wellness: Caroleigh Elliott, DC: ph: 971-212-0045 website: www.drcaroleigh.wordpress.com
Acupuncture: Kelly O'Connor, LAc: ph: 503-407-1861 email: kelly@shinewellnessstudio.com website: shinewellnessstudio.com
Massage and Facials: Monica Psomas, LMT and LE: ph:541-261-8616 email: monicapsomas@gmail.com website: monicapsomaswellness.com
Facials/Microcurrent/Microdermabrasion: Nancy Collins, LE: ph: 971-235-0459 email: nancy.cypresswellness@gmail.com​
Lifestyle & Health Teacher: Molly Haydon, Chopra Center Certified Health Teacher: email: molly@mhaydon.com website: mhaydon.com

In-person Yoga Workshop Starting
Feb 27, 2022 with Dr. Caroleigh
5 sessions – Finding your Breath
These 5 sessions will be centered around a Hatha style (“slow flow”) practice, focusing on joint flexibility, while also giving you space to find your breath in the pose.
We will progress through many opening forms with time spent in the hips and shoulders. We will end each session with a mindful practice and a deep, relaxing savasana to integrate the changes in your body.
Dr. Caroleigh will offer many modifications for the poses, making it available to all body shapes, sizes and yoga abilities.
~75 minute Yoga class, STARTING FEB 27
~We will be gathering in a large space with maximum 10 participants
~Proof of vaccination required
~Classes located at Dance with Joy Studio: 8051 SE 16th Avenue, Portland, OR 97202
~Purchase: Single class, whole session, multiple sessions -Individual Classes $25; session pricing available
DATES: Feb 27; Mar 6; Mar 27; April 3; April 17